Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Territory

So my friends convinced me to start a blog, most likely because I am leaving on a grand adventure to Australia and they want to be in my carry-on. Since that's not likely to happen, the second option is to live this adventure through (and with) me!

I'm joining about 10,000 others down under at the Parliament of World Religions...imagine all these like-minded people passionate about peace and harmony and transcending differences together in one conference center! Hmmm...

Hope I can figure out how to share pictures from my blackberry on facebook...that will be for another day...soon :)

Not sure what else to say for my inaugural post. I don't leave for Melbourne for another week, but this was the perfect time to get started on a new practice. Journaling for public consumption, what a concept.

1 comment:

  1. YAY Jilli! You're on your way! So glad you'll be able to connect with everyone this way!!!
