Monday, November 30, 2009

From the future...

As we traveled forward in time, through the dateline, on United flight 735, the Time Traveler's Wife was the selected movie. I found the irony delightful, since I couldn't get too far into the book as it took place in the past-present-future simultaneously and I get mind-boggled just thinking of timezones, let alone time traveling between back-then and yet-to-be. I do get being in the Now, which really is past-present-future inclusive, but sitting here on Tuesday, knowing it is Monday where you are, is almost too weird. And a little fun to think I'm where you are going to be, time-wise that is.

Wish you all WERE here sharing this grand adventure with us, it's already incredible as we have been finding each other in the streets, trams, and coffee shops, and the Conference hasn't even started's still in my future too.

I thought about saving this story for my first talk upon re-entry into Boulder land, however it really is too good to save...
My journey started with a real bang when lightening struck our airplane as we all drowsed in that semi-conscious airplane mode, traveling from Denver to SFO. It signaled for me the beginning of an electrifying experience, and certainly woke all of us up...I have learned since that it was a non-event (common I hear) for the pilots, but for me it was a brilliantly choreographed "sign" that Spirit is present and that Light rules!

Think about the symbolism here -- the purpose of this conference is about transcending differences, shedding light on world issues by a collective of inter-faith, inter-cultural leaders representing all traditions on this planet, the biggest gathering of this sort in the world. And think about how, like individual bolts of light, we each can illuminate a path of harmony and grace for all the world to walk together.

This auspicious start to my journey continues to inspire and uplift me the more I think about it...well, okay, I was initially totally freaked out of course...but as I uttered my prayer of "oh god oh god, angels don't let us down" I realized that this was a bolt of powerful divine light, and I took it personally. Right when I was jetting through the air at however many miles per hour, at however high up we were, I felt singled out and granted a message, a gift, and knew I said yes to the right conference, the right adventure and the perfectly right time and place. And I think all the passengers of Flight 735 came away with special powers (I hear that lightening strikes can either kill you, heal you, or grant you special powers!). The special power of gratitude is high on the list.

Soooo, appreciation, wonder, and gratitude acknowledged here for the aerospace engineers that build our planes to absorb and distribute this powerful electrifying light while soaring through the air, keeping the precious human cargo safe and well. The planes absorb the hit, and we absorb and radiate the Light.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, Jilli, what a riveting experience! There aren't many people who would find a deeper meaning in that one! :-)

    Thanks for reporting for all of us who are States-bound (at least physically)! I do hope that the proceedings will be recorded in some way or other.

    I am knowing that you're having a great time, soaking up the love that I can feel all the way over here in CA!

    Love to you and everyone there!
